Friday, April 10, 2015


You guys! This is the best email week EVER! Look at this email that is so beautiful I want to kiss it!!!
Is it not so beautiful?!? Seriously, I feel like we have been waiting on this day for so long-SO much hard work and tears and some of my sanity  have gone into these documents. We. Are. THANKFUL. So thankful to be on this journey, thankful that we have already been blessed by this little boy, thankful that we have been able to grow and realize how *great* the need is for adoptive parents, and thankful to see the support of our families, friends and community to get our guy home!! 

So, where do we go from here? Our next steps involve more paperwork for immigration and fundraising. We got another email this week (I told you-best email week EVER) and have been awarded a matching grant through lifesong and the permission to do what is called a "both hands" project. This involves helping a widow while raising funds for our adoption. We are so joyful to have this opportunity-a chance to live out James 1:27-to care for widows and orphans in their distress. If any of you know of a widow in the Boise area who could use help with projects-house painting, yard work, building a wheelchair ramp, ANYTHING--we would love to hear about them and consider them for our project. 

Again, we are so thankful for you all-for your love and gentleness toward us and our little 3 (almost 4!) year old boy half a world away. We want to bring him home as quickly as possible and are doing everything in our power to make it happen! Please continue to pray for quickly processed paperwork and for Z's every day well being and for him to feel loved and secure until we can get to him and bring him HOME!!

Much love--
Aaron and Sarah

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