Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Paperwork dance...

 Most of our dossier is officially done at the Chinese embassy and at our agency for review!
The one hold up has been Aaron's birth certificate. For whatever reason, the state of Oregon certified it wrong. *sigh* So it was sent back to Oregon and is now back in Washington D.C. going through the secretary of State (again) and the Chinese Embassy (again). But every day we are getting closer to bringing home our sweet boy! 
We are praying to have our dossier completely reviewed by our agency and submitted to China within 2 weeks. By all calculations I can find, this will likely give us a travel date of late summer.

Chinese embassy seal....so intricate!
We have been so relieved to have some contact with Z's orphanage and see updated pictures. The new information they sent us gave us updated measurements and he appears to have grown a lot since the last measurements! I am a little worried a few of the shirts I have bought him may be too small! They also sent us the sweetest video of him opening our first care package-he finally received this package 2 weeks ago-it was sent back in November!!

We continue to ask for your prayers for his safety and for our paperwork to go smoothly. We are getting much further in this process, but there are still several steps with immigration to get through before we can travel.  We also ask that you pray for Z specifically as he will likely have to be moved from the smaller orphanage and everything he knows, back to the much larger orphanage he was in as a tiny baby. While we know his basic needs will be met in this larger orphanage, it will not be his familiar caregivers or his familiar bed. It is likely they will not move him until just before we are able to travel to pick him up, but we know this will be another loss for him, and our hearts just hurt for him.

Thank you all for your continued support and prayers. We are continually amazed how smoothly this adoption process is going and how much we have learned about the love you all have for one sweet little boy who has a family waiting and loving him until we can hold him tight. Much Love, Aaron and Sarah

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