Sunday, May 17, 2015

A little reflection

We are so happy that our Both Hands fundraiser is already off to a good start! Just a reminder-this project involves helping a sweet lady do work on the exterior of her house that she is no longer able to do. We are asking for support while we do this-in the same way someone may ask for you to support them to run a 5K or play golf to support a good cause--
only with this you are supporting a good cause (our adoption!!), helping a widow, AND it is tax deductible! 

We have had $492.20 donated to this great project. We are so thankful for those who have already donated to help bring our boy home, prayed for us, and asked how things are going. Your words of encouragement and love hold us through the tough times and we can never express how much it has meant to us.

Recently in a discussion with other adoptive parents, there was some concern that those who help support adoptions don't always have the "inside information" about what the adoptive parents are doing to help raise money, which can lead to confusion on why the adoptive family is asking for donations but not sacrificing. We want to be very open and honest about this, you may not be interested in this part-but indulge me so I feel that we are being transparent with all of you. Aaron is picking up overtime whenever he can-lately he has been working 12 hours extra per week-sometimes night shift, sometimes day shift-whatever he can get. I was also working extra October-Feb (full time instead of part time) but Aaron's overtime pays much better than my extra hours-so he has been working more than me since Feb. We do not have cable TV, we have cut our grocery bills drastically, only go out to eat for VERY special occasions (we did go out on Mother's Day and it was SO NICE!) and I have been trying to buy things from second hand stores or garage sales. But--through all of this-we have actually learned we don't need that much!! Many things I used to buy were actually luxuries and I didn't realize it.  

Through this process we have also had clarity in our giving. I have had such appreciation for every penny that has been donated. So sometimes, we may only be able to give $5-10, but we have tried to be more intentional about giving at the opportunities presented. So thank you all for helping us learn this!!

Enough rambling, we will leave you with some sweetness...please continue to pray for our sweet boy that we can't wait to hold!!

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