Friday, December 19, 2014

Feeling the love...

This last week has been a wonderful source of support from so many. On Sunday, our small group at church had completely filled the "Change for Change" jar and needed us to take the money and deposit it so they could fill it up again. The kids in our group were so proud of adding change to the jar every week, and we were so happy to receive it. We have also been filling up a jar here at home and all together with change and purposeful donations we deposited another $107.34 to our Z account!

And then, Tuesday at work, one of the sweet girls at my office (Presley!) came up to my desk and handed me a card. Well, 'tis the season and I was so excited she had given me a card--I thought it was from her cute little family. So a few hours later I finally had a chance to open it. You guys-it was a card from everyone at the clinic with money inside! They had a "garage" sale and bake sale for us!! I knew the sales were going on, but we do a lot of sales for the United Way, so I assumed this was another one. As soon as I opened that envelope and read the card, I quickly zoomed all the way to the other side of the office to just hug Presley. The efforts were from everyone, but she was the only one I knew of right at that second and I just burst into tears. The other nurses thought something had happened, but soon found out I was just overwhelmed with gratitude. I have always known the clinic I work for is amazing, like I feel like I completely belong here. But then, to have them "in secret" hold a sale for us...and a sale that I embarrassingly did not contribute to as I have been SO overwhelmed with paperwork and extra hours. We are just in awe. 

Aaron and I also requested from any family members that wanted to give us a gift-that it would be a donation to our adoption journey. We received a few cards this week and I am so so excited to show you the beginning of the week we were sitting at $3874.66 in total donations-which is a lot of money. After Sunday we went to this...

And's even HIGHER! Look over at the right side bar (hint-if you are on your phone and don't see the little thermometer, scroll down to the "view web version and click here) This is SO amazing. We are so beyond thankful for the generosity shown now and always. Along with the donations we have received, we continue to receive kind words, gentle hugs (emotions run high right now) and prayers for us and our boy. We can never express with words how much it means, but please know every thought, every word, every prayer are so appreciated.

Many thanks, 
Aaron and Sarah

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